Friday, 30 April 2010


Warehouse party?? I thought you actually meant the shop. Jokes, I was fully mongoloided.
Check the dictionary its in there under vagina.

Friday, 9 April 2010

B is for Ben-ja-Minge

When all else fails trying to enter Narnia, react as you would when you fall over and attempt to pretend it never happened by making it worse.


same as before, but raised the stakes.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

I Prefer Lindsay on My Breasts, Chanels on My Legs.

You know what i did the other day? I googled murder.

Thursday, 1 April 2010


I've tasted the rainbow, and it tastes like shit.

Blog Period

To the few people that happen to stumble accidently on this lazy never updated blog, I will try and begin to actually take this relatively serious (how serious can you take my opinions and made up tales). Nope scrap that i'll let the posts dribble out steadily, hasn't done me too bad so far 3 followers 2 of which are friends and 1 that is made up, i treasure you dearly stay tuned.